One of the unique things about Mathspace is the level of depth to which we accept student work (see Can different methods be used to solve questions?). Because of this, we have a range of feedback tools for the students.
Filled Green Tick/Check
This means that the student has entered a correct final answer and has completed the question.
Hollow Green Tick/Check
This means that the student has entered an intermediate step that is along one of our recommended paths of working. If a student asks for hints, they will receive hints that are specific to this step, to help them move to the next step.
Dotted Green Tick/Check
This means that the student has entered a step that is not on one of our worked solution paths, but is mathematically correct. They are marked correct, but we are unable to provide a hint for them. The hint will instead default to the last step in our recommended path of working.
Grey Question Mark
This means that the student has put in a mathematically invalid statement. Often this is because they have not entered in an equation where required, or they have left an operator hanging (e.g. 3 + ). The accompanying message should indicate what might have gone wrong.
It's important to note that Mathspace does not deduct marks for these. We will only mark mathematically valid statements.
Grey Cross/X
This means that the student has entered in an incorrect (but mathematically valid) statement. When students enter in work, this is the only time that they can lose marks.
Red Skipped Step
This means that the student has requested for the next Mathspace-provided step. Students will also lose marks for requesting the next step.