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New Adaptive Task Experience

A new approach to adaptive tasks that celebrates student effort and reduces student anxiety around performance.

Erin Byrne avatar
Written by Erin Byrne
Updated over 2 months ago

Adaptive tasks are changing for students to help make them more accessible, with a low floor and high ceiling. Students will be expected to complete a certain number of questions correct, instead of focusing on Target Mastery. This will allow all students to complete the task within a reasonable amount of time, while demonstrating different levels of mastery.

Here are an overview of some of the new key features:

Students complete 3 rounds of practice within an Adaptive task

  • Each time a student gets a question correct, they collect a star.

  • To complete a round, students will be required to answer certain number of questions correctly.

  • To complete the entire Adaptive task, students will need to collect 9-15 stars, depending on the length of the subtopic.

  • Practice has been split into rounds because we want to allow the student to celebrate success with small milestones, as well as take a break/breather in

    between rounds.

  • The final screen shows the student the mastery level they achieved, while emphasizing the hard work they’ve done to complete the task.

  • Of course, students have the option to keep practicing if they want to increase their mastery score. And we encourage this if a teacher has chosen to set a target mastery for the task.

  • Teachers can reassign the adaptive task - even if a student has mastered the subtopic.

A few things haven’t changed:

  • Question Grading Questions will continue to be graded with our current grading system.

  • Mastery calculation Student mastery will continue to be calculated with our mastery engine.

  • Question selection We will continue to use our mastery engine to select the best next question for each student

  • Task assignment will have the same options as before - you can set a target mastery.

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