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Discovery Check-ins

Teachers can now assign discovery check-ins to their classes, ensuring student participation and completion.

Rochelle Espinosa avatar
Written by Rochelle Espinosa
Updated over 12 months ago

Teacher assigns discovery check-in from the 'Create a Task From Anywhere' button.

Discovery Check-ins are a way to get an initial assessment of where students are at for curriculum strands and identify gaps in their knowledge.

Discovery Check-in tasks are now visible in different reports that teachers use, like the planner or class tasks report.

When teachers click on a task, they can see how students are doing in the check-in, including what questions they've looked at and if they got them right or wrong. It helps teachers keep an eye on how students are doing and what they're learning.

On the student side, students will now see their assigned Discovery Check-ins listed alongside their other tasks.

Please note that students can only complete the Discovery Check-in once for each strand. When teachers re-assign Discovery Check-ins, only students that have not completed it already will see the task in their dashboard. However, teachers will be able to see the results in the report both for new students completing the check-in and also students that had finished it previously.

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