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Task Template Folders

Organise your Task Templates into folders for easier navigating. Bulk assign custom tasks over multiple dates.

Ernest Tan avatar
Written by Ernest Tan
Updated over 6 months ago

Task Template Folders can help you to save even more time by organising your task templates into collections that are often used together. For example, you might want to gather all templates for a grade level over an entire year. If you're really organised, you can even use Template Folders to plan out and implement your scope and sequence.

If you are not yet familiar with Task Templates, please see Create a Template and Task Templates.

Similar to Task Templates, you can filter and search for Folders. Also similar to Task Templates, it helps if your school has a naming convention to more easily find your template folders. To create a template folder, you can click on "Create Folder".

You can then choose the Folder Name and give it a description and cover.

There are two ways to add templates to your folders. The first is directly from a template page.

The second is to add templates from the folder itself.

Once templates have been added to a folder, clicking on the template names will bring you to that template page.

Folders within Folders Feature:

As a teacher, you can now organize your templates into a hierarchical structure of folders. This feature allows you to create subfolders within main folders, making it easier to categorize and manage your templates efficiently.

You can also bulk assign all of the tasks in a folder by clicking on "Assign all tasks". For more details, please see Bulk Assign Custom Tasks.

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