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Class Reports: Mastery Part 1 (Textbook Level)

View student ability levels and progress through textbooks

Ernest Tan avatar
Written by Ernest Tan
Updated over a week ago

Mastery gives you a high level understanding of your students' demonstrated level of ability on Mathspace, and consolidates work done both on Adaptive Tasks, Custom Tasks and on independent practice work. You can use the Class Mastery report to view overall student progress through textbooks, identify any gaps in teaching, and to easily fill those gaps on a individualised student level.

Click on these links to find out more about the other class reports available:

You can access Class Mastery by clicking on the "Classes" button, selecting a class, and then clicking on "Mastery".

Upon opening the Class Mastery report, you will see a summary for each topic, including the participation rate and when the topic was last worked on by a student. The section on the right shows you the average mastery over your students for the one subtopic. Darker shades of blue corresponds to higher levels of mastery.

  1. Clicking here will open up the textbook selection. You can even select multiple textbooks if your class works over several year levels.

  2. Clicking on Worked on will filter out topics that your students have done no work on. This can help you to manage your class work earlier in the school year, especially if you are working through topics in a different order to Mathspace.

  3. Hovering over a subtopic will display the name of the subtopic, the number of students who have worked on that subtopic, and the average mastery level over the students.

  4. The entire report can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet. At this stage, you can only download one textbook at a time.

Clicking anywhere on a topic will bring you to a detailed view of each of your students' mastery for each subtopic, where you can also easily set individualised Adaptive Tasks for each student.

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