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Create a Template

Save a task for future use using Task Templates

Ernest Tan avatar
Written by Ernest Tan
Updated over 7 months ago

If you'd like to create a custom task and want to share it with your students, but don't want to assign it to anyone just yet, your best bet is to create a Task Template.

To create a task template, click the Create a Task From Anywhere button, and then select "Create Task Template".

In a task template, you have the freedom to choose exactly which questions to assign to your students, and you can choose from all the Mathspace textbooks available to your school. When you create a task template, it is saved so that all teachers at your school can access it and assign it to their students. Check out our article on Task Templates for more information.

Building your template

Use the two drop-down menus to choose a curriculum and a subtopic to select questions from.

  1. Select a textbook from the list of textbooks available to your school. You can change this textbook at any time when creating your template without losing the questions you have chosen already.

  2. Select a subtopic from the chosen textbook. You can also change this subtopic at any time when creating your template without losing the questions you have chosen already.

  3. The arrow to the left of each question allow you to preview the whole question, including whether or not it has multiple parts.You can also see the estimated difficulty level (Easy, Medium or Hard) and an estimated length of time each question should take. Feel free to click 'try question' yourself.

  4. Use the + symbol to the right of each question to add it to your template. The circle will turn dark blue when the question has been added to your template. To add multiple copies of the same question, just click the + multiple times.

  5. See how many questions have been added to your task. Click this button to preview the task template. From the preview, you can re-arrange, remove or duplicate questions.

Once you are satisfied with your template, click Next to set the details of the task before assigning. If you need to leave the template and come back to it later before saving it, the questions in your template will be automatically saved for you to come back to. You'll see a small number representing the number of questions in the template, as well as the estimated completion time on the Create a Task From Anywhere button

Finally, give the template a meaningful name and a description, and click "Create" to save the template for future use.

Once the task template has been saved, you can go to the Task Templates page to sort the template into a Task Template Group.

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